We Love Our Donors and Volunteers!

February 14, 2022

we love our donors and volunteers! Thank you for all your support

On this Valentine’s Day, we’d like to share our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our donors and supporters. On behalf of all of us at Neil Squire, thank you for bringing empowerment, joy, and knowledge to those we serve.

One of the clients who you helped us to support is Season from Manitoba.

Season lives with osteoarthritis, a comprehensive learning disability, ADHD, and experiences symptoms of PTSD and depression. She is the owner of Sayzoons, a tourism company that uses Indigenous and Métis land-based knowledge as part of their outdoor learning experiences.

Digital Jumpstart Participant, Season

Season participated in our Digital Jumpstart program. Through the program she received an ergonomic keyboard, sit-stand desk, and ergonomic mouse. She also learned how to make PowerPoint presentations and how to format and fix the style issues she was encountering with email, documents, and project proposals.

With the skills she learned, she submitted a PowerPoint presentation to an organization to show them how she would like to create a webinar and the organization loved it — the proposal may put her in a position to have a paid contract.

Season is one of over 5,000 people we have supported over the last year, and it is made possible by donors like you. Your donation enables us to provide assistive technology, digital literacy, and employment supports to people across Canada. Thank you for supporting our work to empower people with disabilities.

If you would like to learn how to get involved or to donate, please visit: neilsquire.ca/donate.