Tracy, a mother of two, lives in the northern community of Pinehouse Lake, Saskatchewan (new window). She heard about the Neil Squire Society’s Employ-Ability Program (now the Working Together Program) through a friend who was a past participant. “Now I am proud to say I am a graduate of the Employ-Ability Program,” she says.
“My disability is cognitive (new window), which means I have a hard time processing information. I am easily distracted when reading. I tend to forget what I have just read, and usually have to read the paragraph two or three times before I acquire an understanding,” she tells us. “When I used to misread or mispronounce words, sometimes people laughed at me, which would make me feel inferior and ashamed. I felt like I didn’t know anything and that would make me want to give up on life.”
“Because of the Employ-Ability Program, I now read more and use the technique of writing things down so I remember. I also have a stronger belief in myself that I can achieve any goal by not giving up and I am proud of who I am,” says Tracy.
Tracy found the Career Development module of the program most helpful to her. She also found the Ergonomic assessment very interesting. “Now due to a supportive chair and proper workstation set-up, my back doesn’t hurt as much,” she says. According to Tracy, the Employ-Ability Program has helped with many aspects of her life, “It has helped me improve how I view life and accept my disability,” she shares.
When the program finished, a position opened up for an Employ-Ability Program Assistant in the Pinehouse Lake classroom. Tracy sent in her resume and was chosen for the position. “Not only did I get the job, I am able to share my knowledge with others,” she says. “Not only did this program give me one job it provided me with two! Because of my work experience, I also have another part time job at the Co-op gas bar. Words cannot express how grateful I am to the Neil Squire Society’s Employ-Ability Program for helping me accomplish all this.”