Stephanie’s New Hearing Aids Removes Barriers at Work
Stephanie found that she was often missing information, and that her hearing loss created barriers in communicating with patients and their family members, as well as her co-workers.
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to NavigationStephanie found that she was often missing information, and that her hearing loss created barriers in communicating with patients and their family members, as well as her co-workers.
Colin’s work involves a lot of meetings, taking place online, over the phone, and in-person on construction sites. However, he has hearing loss in both ears, which was affecting his ability to communicate during meetings.
“[The] hearing aids greatly improve my ability to communicate with co-workers, as well as being a necessity for safety in the fast-moving environment I work in,” Jean-Luc says.
WorkBC Assistive Technology Services will be at the Kelowna Hiring and Post-Secondary Education Expo 2025. Come by and say hi! Tickets are free. Anyone looking for a new career or post-secondary education options should attend.
Gloria is studying web development and design, learning everything from coding to Photoshop as she looks to pursue a career in the field.