
Chad Leaman - LipSync

LipSync Update: Connecting with the Community

July 14, 2016

Over the last few months, it’s been Director of Development, Chad Leaman’s goal to connect to the communities and people that can make the LipSync a reality, and one that’s not only accessible in use, but also accessible in cost and availability.

Gary Birch, Executive Director, Neil Squri

Neil Squire Society’s Dr. Gary Birch to Participate in OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity

June 20, 2016

Dr. Gary Birch, Executive Director of the Neil Squire Society has been invited by The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, to participate in the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity. The Ministerial meeting takes place from June 21-23, 2016 in Cancun, Mexico.

Dr. Gary Birch, Executive Director of the Neil Squire Society

Neil Squire Society’s Dr. Gary Birch to Co-Chair Roundtable 3 at the 9th Session of the Conference of State Parties at the United Nations

June 13, 2016

Dr. Gary Birch, Officer of the Order of Canada, and a recognized global expert on the impact of assistive technology for people with disabilities, will be representing civil society and the coordination mechanism as co-chair of Round Table 3 of the 9th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, taking place June 14-16, 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, New York.

Keisha, Neil Squire Society youth intern at the Penticton Indian Band’s Footprints to Technology Centre.

Footprints to Employment

June 1, 2016

Sometimes the best way to learn is to teach — that’s the lesson Keisha learned as a Neil Squire Society youth intern at the Penticton Indian Band’s Footprints to Technology Centre.

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