Darcy’s Experience as a Youth Intern
Darcy, a student at the University of Victoria, used his background in education to help people with disabilities, both in the job market and on the computer.
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to NavigationDarcy, a student at the University of Victoria, used his background in education to help people with disabilities, both in the job market and on the computer.
Originally, the LipSync would just connect to the phone via USB. But one side effect of this, is that you would be dealing with the cord — say you wanted to put the LipSync a little farther from the phone, you would have to deal with the cord across your body. We needed a way to make the LipSync be able to connect to your phone wirelessly.
Trudy didn’t just become more confident on a computer in the Neil Squire Society’s Distance Computer Comfort program, but re-ignited a passion for learning.
One of the big decisions we are currently working on right now is how do we mount the LipSync to wheelchairs (along with mounting the mobile device). There’s a lot of variables. Physically, you can’t add to the width of the wheelchair, and we’ve got to make sure our mount is safe for the user. But we’ve also got to consider the cost for both the user and maker, as well as practicality.
Laura Bergstrom, one of our occupational therapists, wrote a helpful article on creating healthy working environments on the Small Business BC website.