
LipSync Update: LipSync Video

October 20, 2016

Our team put this together in a relatively short period of time for the 2016 Hackaday Prize. In addition to a good explanation of the project, there’s a lot of footage of the LipSync in action, with a neat animation at the end showing a LipSync being assembled.

Hand holding smartphone with apps cloud

Favourite Apps in Honour of Learning Disabilities Month / Application préférées à l’occasion du Mois des troubles d’apprentissage 

October 18, 2016

October is Learning Disabilities month, so for this month’s e-bulletin, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favourite apps designed to assist individuals who struggle with learning difficulties. While there are many great assistive technology options for PC and Mac, this list will focus on mobile options. Apps tend to cost much less than […]

Don Danbrook 2

LipSync Update: User Testing

October 6, 2016

We are excited to announce that we have begun user testing. While there is still much work to do, and undoubtedly there are many revisions to be done, but we are at the stage where we are beyond thinking of what we think should work, and are now seeing what potential users say and need.

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