
Gary at ASH Symposium

AMI Inside: Ability Starts Here

January 13, 2017

Our Executive Director Dr. Gary Birch was the keynote speaker at the Ability Starts Here Symposium in Halifax, which focused on Inclusive education and employment.


Access Makeathon

January 9, 2017

Inventor, Creators, Hackers, Tinkers and Change Makers – Join us for an exciting 48 hr Access Makeathon in Vancouver on January 27 – 29, 2017. Come build an open source assistive technology that directly address the needs of people with disability.


LipSync Update: The Joystick Debate

December 15, 2016

For the last days of 2016, the LipSync team is working hard to “freeze” the design ahead of the Access Makeathon on January 27th.
There’s one thing, though, that we’re still trying to nail down — the joystick.


LipSync Update: Access Makeathon

December 8, 2016

In partnership with Rick Hansen Foundation, SFU’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology, TechSoup NetSquared, Tom Global, UBC Women in Engineering, and UBC Young Women in Engineering and Science, we are organizing a 48 hour event called the Access Makeathon from January 27th to 29th, 2017.

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