
a man builds a LipSync

FabLab Tacoma LipSync Build

July 13, 2017

Makers Making Change and FabLab Tacoma have partnered to host a LipSync Buildathon in Tacoma, Washington on Monday, July 31 from 9 am – 3 pm.

Wes, Computer omfort participant

iPad Lessons and a Computer Upgrade for Wes

June 28, 2017

Wes is 67 years old. He stays active dragon boating twice a week. He’s accomplished, having won a couple of gold medals with his team, and hopes to compete in Hungary soon. He is visually impaired.


LipSync Update: Stateside Buildathons

June 22, 2017

We hadn’t done a Buildathon in the United States yet. So why not do two of them on the same day in opposite ends of the country? That’s what we did Sunday, as part of the Nation of Makers’ Week of Making, with Buildathons in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Seattle, Washington.


LipSync Update: Coming up in June

June 1, 2017

After closing out May with a series of Maker Faires — the Bay Area Maker Faire and the Sunshine Coast Mini Maker Faire — we’re headed for a busy June full of events and Buildathons. It’s time for outreach and making.

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