
Emmett and other kids at D-Camp making devices at a table

Fun With Making at D-Camps

September 8, 2022

For eight-year-old Emmett, one of his favourite parts of attending his first camp at Camp Jean Nelson in Water Valley, Alberta in May was a Makers Making Change device build, where he got hands-on experience making Light Touch Switches and Raindrop Switches that will go to people with disabilities.

Students from Balgonie Elementary showing off their switches

Builds Across Canada

June 16, 2022

Over the past few weeks, Makers Making Change has been quite busy with builds and events across Canada. Here’s a little look at what we’ve been up to for the last while, province-by-province.

Scott smiling into the camera with a mountain and lake in the background

Occupational Therapists Making Change

April 28, 2022

While many occupational therapists use Makers Making Change designs in their practice, many OTs also volunteer with MMC — some even lead chapters.

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