New Brunswick

The Outlook app open on a laptop

Be More Efficient with Outlook

July 22, 2022

Today, we’re going to look at a few tips, tricks, and interesting features that not every Outlook user may be aware of.

a laptop displaying cloud storage

Which Cloud Service is Right for You?

July 15, 2022

Do you find yourself often running out of hard drive space? Have you noticed that your computer has begun to slow down significantly after owning it for a couple of years? Taking advantage of free, cloud-based storage is a great way to maximize your overall digital storage potential.

a woman wearing a headset while using a laptop

Do More with Microsoft Teams

July 11, 2022

Within a relatively short period of time Microsoft Teams has seen widespread adoption across schools, business, and groups across the globe, and for good reason.

a woman uses a tablet

Folder Management for iOS

July 1, 2022

Last week we looked at folder management for Android and explored how to create new folders, how to manage them, and, how to locate files and folders that have already been created. Today, we’re going to look at the same functions, but in the context of iOS devices including iPad and iPhone.

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