Makers Making Change


Omar finds a new sense of independence at his exam with the LipSync

May 15, 2017

In 2010, Omar became a quadriplegic when he broke his neck at the C5 vertabrae in an accident while swimming in Iraq, and fell into a depression that lasted five years. Nearly seven years later, having moved with his family to Canada, Omar used the LipSync to write his exam at BCIT independently, without the use of a scriber.

Maker Faire Bay Area logo

Maker Faire Bay Area

April 4, 2017

We will be at the largest Maker Faire in the world, the Maker Faire Bay Area, from May 19-21, 2017 to present about Making Access for People with Disabilities.


Spin Magazine Article

April 4, 2017

While the ubiquitous smartphone has become an invaluable tool around the globe, many people with quadriplegia or any other disability that limits hand function believe the technology has passed them by.

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