LipSync Update: Acadia University LipSync Buildathon
On February 1st, around 20 Acadia University students will build LipSyncs for people with disabilities as part of Accessibility Week at the university.
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to NavigationOn February 1st, around 20 Acadia University students will build LipSyncs for people with disabilities as part of Accessibility Week at the university.
In this last update, we conclude our interview with Neil Squire Society’s Director of Innovation, Chad Leaman.
In this edition, we interview Chad Leaman, Director of Innovation at Neil Squire Society, for the inside scoop on the LipSync.
An introduction to the LipSync, a next-generation USB mouse emulation device which can be used in conjunction with any smartphone, tablet, or PC.
Our Makers Making Change hopped across North America to host 17 events, build 320 LipSyncs, and have a lot of fun.