Hearing Aids

A man holds a house key on a chain.

Anthony’s New Hearing Aids “Help Provide the Confidence I Need to Have”

December 6, 2024

Anthony works for a non-profit that provides housing and shelter for people in need. At the building he works at, his many duties include helping clients with their daily tasks, security, dealing with conflicts, as well as answering phones. He has hearing loss, which can make it difficult to hear conversations.

A pad of graphing paper next to a pencil, paper clips, and a laptop.

“Having These New [Hearing] Aids Enables Me to Continue Working In My Job”

November 27, 2024

“Over the last year, I developed a gradual hearing loss in both ears,” Joanne shares. “This became noticeable when I had to ask colleagues to repeat themselves or I unintentionally didn’t respond to them. This affects communication and understanding as one of my duties is to interact with colleagues and employees and participate in meetings.”

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