
A person types on a keyboard with a cup of coffee next to it.

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services Gives Darren the Confidence for His Job Search

January 31, 2024

“Prior to receiving these, I was unable to spend more than 15 minutes at a time sitting at a computer or doing paperwork. Sitting in general was very difficult for me. I was struggling as physical limitations were already limiting the type of work I could do and difficulties with sitting, etc., were making desk-based work very difficult,” Darren says.

Working Together participant Emily sitting at her work desk on her wobble chair

Emily Finds the Perfect Fit With SCI BC

February 7, 2023

While she was previously working remotely as a part-time tutor, Emily joined our Working Together program looking for work that fit her needs and offered more independence. She has ADHD along with sensory processing challenges.

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