
Employ-Ability Participant, Kailha

Kailha Shares Her Story

October 12, 2015

On June 5, 2015 the Neil Squire Society participated in Walk and Roll, a New Brunswick-wide event to show support for persons with disabilities. At the event, one of our employees, Kailha, shared her story of overcoming barriers to education as a student with a Learning Disability.

Employ-Ability Participant, Kerri

Kerri Navigates Employ-Ability with JAWS

September 28, 2015

Kerri lost her vision when she was ten months old due to a bone disease. The disease damaged her optic nerve which permanently affected her vision.

Employ-Ability Program Participant, Guy and Program Facilitator, Polly Beach

Guy Embarks on his Second Career

September 21, 2015

“My first career, of over twenty years, was as a sales representative in the field of communications,” says Guy. “I am now embarking on a second career having obtained a Bachelor of Social Science degree from the University of Ottawa.”

Employ-Ability Participant, John

John Lands Three New Positions

September 14, 2015

John entered the Neil Squire Society’s Employ-Ability Program (now known as the Working Together Program) without a clear idea of what type of career he should pursue.

Employ-Ability participant,Tracy

Tracy Lands Two Jobs

September 7, 2015

Tracy, a mother of two, lives in the northern community of Pinehouse Lake, Saskatchewan. She heard about the Neil Squire Society’s Employ-Ability Program (now the Working Together Program) through a friend who was a past participant. “Now I am proud to say I am a graduate of the Employ-Ability Program,” she says.

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