
Hiring Fair Preparation Workshop: Acing the Interview

September 19, 2018

Many people worry about what questions they will be asked in an interview, but it is nearly impossible to know for sure. But when you know how to handle the types of questions, you can respond effectively to anything they ask. In addition to the most commonly asked questions, we will also go over the […]

Hiring Fair Preparation Workshop: Acing the Interview

September 18, 2018

Many people worry about what questions they will be asked in an interview, but it is nearly impossible to know for sure. But when you know how to handle the types of questions, you can respond effectively to anything they ask. In addition to the most commonly asked questions, we will also go over the […]

Hiring Fair Preparation Workshop: Resume Help

September 13, 2018

Do you have a resume that could be even better? Does it need more “wow” or polish, or even just to look better? Come get help with your phrases and formatting, and present your attributes with pizzazz.

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Certified Career Development Practitioner Certification

June 25, 2018

All of our employment staff in British Columbia will be attending a special three day course on June 26th, 27th, and 28th with the BC Career Development Association so they can secure their Certified Career Development Practitioner certification.


Dale Gets Caught up With her Computer Skills

October 11, 2017

Since Dale got sick in the mid-90’s and had to leave the workforce, the world has changed a lot. “I’ve tried to get different jobs, and I find one stumbling block — technology,” she explains. “It’s a different world than what I left.”

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