“It’s Changed My Approach to Technology,” Zosia Finds Confidence on the Computer
“People learn in different ways. They matched me with a very interesting person, who was very much in tune to how I learned and how to help me.”
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to Navigation“People learn in different ways. They matched me with a very interesting person, who was very much in tune to how I learned and how to help me.”
After learning Dragon to use his electronic devices with more ease, Alex passed on his knowledge to someone else.
Kim is a quadriplegic who has PSTD. With the help of our Distance Computer Comfort Program, she built up her self-confidence and technical skills.
Jeff is an avid volunteer. He wanted to access Spinal Cord Injury BC’s Virtual Peer Group events. However, ergonomic issues made it difficult for him to participate.
Are you someone with a physical or sensory disability who would like to learn more about technology from the comfort of your own home?