Digital Literacy

A woman shows a man something on a phone.

Flip Writer AAC – A Communication Tool with a Twist

September 15, 2023

Flip Writer AAC is a communication app that is designed to be quick and easy to use. This is not the equivalent of a thousand dollar plus communication board, but instead the app is designed to provide quick, on the spot communication in a variety of scenarios.

Amira's keyboard with the raised stickers.

Amira Finds a New Sense of Hope With Digital Jumpstart

August 22, 2023

One of the first things you’ll notice when you enter Amira’s home is the warm welcome and hospitality. She takes great pride in preparing coffee and foods for guests — often a delicious Syrian treat — and welcomes you into her family. While taking part in our Digital Jumpstart program, this is how she always welcomes her trainer, Erin, into her home.

a man using a laptop

Antidote 11: Bilingual Grammar Checker

August 10, 2023

The app that we are looking at today is one of the more advanced writing aids available right now, and it’s available in both of Canada’s official languages.

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