David’s Dream Turns Into A Reality
David heard about the Neil Squire Society from a friend who highly recommended that he take advantage of the “amazing services that they provide for people with physical disabilities”.
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to NavigationDavid heard about the Neil Squire Society from a friend who highly recommended that he take advantage of the “amazing services that they provide for people with physical disabilities”.
Ben discovered flight at a young age; his father was a pilot and after many times flying with him Ben discovered a passion for being airborne.
Congratulations to Courtney, who graduated from the Neil Squire Society’s Employ-Ability program in June 2013 and has just begun the Aboriginal Pre-Health Program at Simon Fraser University.
Society has placed a label on individuals with a disability. This label has restricted specific individuals in many ways, but the issue that is being largely recognized today is that organizations shy away from hiring people with disabilities.
Professionals from the Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri Imo State, Nigeria, Africa, came to visit the Neil Squire Society.