Burnaby Regional Office

Side by side prototype

LipSync Update: Mounting

August 4, 2016

One of the big decisions we are currently working on right now is how do we mount the LipSync to wheelchairs (along with mounting the mobile device). There’s a lot of variables. Physically, you can’t add to the width of the wheelchair, and we’ve got to make sure our mount is safe for the user. But we’ve also got to consider the cost for both the user and maker, as well as practicality.


A Refresher on Computers for Gillian

August 3, 2016

“Each time I learned something new,” says Gillian of her experience in the Neil Squire Society’s Distance Computer Comfort program. Gillian signed up for the program two years after high school, wanting “to get a refresher on computers and technology and how they can help me find a job.”

Attached joystick

LipSync Update: The Joystick

July 28, 2016

With the LipSync, the user is able to move their cursor and navigate around their smartphone using a mouthpiece instead of needing to use their hands or fingers. But how is this done? With a joystick.

Sip and Puff

LipSync Update: Evolving Design

July 21, 2016

During the course of any design project, the product will go through many changes. Some changes are for aesthetics, others for practicality. Our LipSync is no exception.

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