Atlantic Regional Office

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Adam Nails the Interview

April 19, 2017

Adam, who has social anxiety, hadn’t worked since 2007. The prospect of a job interview had him so nervous that he felt physically ill.

Working Together participant Julie

Julie works her way back to employment with Working Together

April 5, 2017

Julie lives with Retinitis Pigmentosa, meaning she experiences near complete blindness, but this doesn’t stop her from living life to the fullest and achieving her goals. With certificates in Customer Service and Human Services, Julie had the skills necessary to rejoin the workforce, but her confidence had decreased since she hadn’t worked in seven years.


Working Together helps Harvest House serve people with addiction and mental illness

December 14, 2016

Harvest House is a non-profit agency in Moncton, New Brunswick that serves community members who struggle with drug and alcohol addictions, mental illness, anger issues and homelessness. With the help of the Neil Squire Society’s Working Together program, they were able to find employment for many of their clients, including Bruce.


Angie Expands Her Horizons and Finds Success

September 21, 2016

Angie never thought that she would work in IT, but she found success when she tried new things, with the help of newfound confidence she gained in Working Together.

Youth Intern, Samantha

A Lesson of Experience for Samantha

September 14, 2016

For Samantha, a youth internship at the Neil Squire Society gave her the necessary real world experience to compliment her studies.

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