Atlantic Regional Office

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G-Suite Accessibility Features: Part 1

September 20, 2018

Today we’re going look at the wide variety of accessibility features that are available for Google’s G-Suite. The G-suite is a free, online collection of productivity apps that gives users access to E-mail, video conferencing, spreadsheets, and much more. These free apps are absolutely packed with built-in accessibility features that are constantly being modified and […]

Worksafe NB Progressive Safety Days: AT & Ergonomics Presentation

September 18, 2018

Neil Squire Society Workplace Ergonomic & Assistive Technology Specialist, Nadine Melanson, will be presenting on the topic of Assistive Technology & Ergonomics at the WorksafeNB Progressive Safety Days in Petit-Rocher, New Brunswick. This is an French event.

students sitting on a bench

Back to School Apps for 2018

September 6, 2018

The summer has passed, and September is here! Now that school is back in session, we thought we’d create a list of noteworthy “Back to School” apps for 2018. The apps have either been newly created in 2018, have just come to our attention, or have simply never been reviewed by us…after all, with so […]

LEARNEast 2.0.18

August 20, 2018

LEARNEast 2.0.18 is a free professional development opportunity for K-12 educators across New Brunswick, Atlantic Canada and beyond who are involved or interested in student learning environments rich with new digital / social media experiences. The Neil Squire Society will have an AT Help Desk booth at the event.

Mary-Jo, Working Together client

Mary-Jo Lands the Perfect Position with Working Together

August 8, 2018

Mary-Jo was working at a grocery store when she was injured on the job. After being without work for two years, Mary-Jo approached Working Together. With the help of the program, she began a position at community partner Crosswinds.

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