AT Help Desk

A Maker working on a LipSync

LipSync Update Part 3

January 16, 2018

In this last update, we conclude our interview with Neil Squire Society’s Director of Innovation, Chad Leaman.

Makers working on LipSync parts

LipSync Update Part 2

January 9, 2018

In this edition, we interview Chad Leaman, Director of Innovation at Neil Squire Society, for the inside scoop on the LipSync.

Milad, our Systems Developer, with a LipSync

LipSync Update Part 1

January 1, 2018

An introduction to the LipSync, a next-generation USB mouse emulation device which can be used in conjunction with any smartphone, tablet, or PC.

PrismoGo logo


November 28, 2017

Need to quickly have a handout or an article read aloud? It can be as simple as taking a picture with your iPad/iPhone with the PrizmoGo.

AT Help Desk Logo

AT HelpDesk Website Launch

November 15, 2017

Today marks the launch of the Neil Squire Society’s AT Help Desk website. A Virtual Launch event was held this morning which provided an opportunity for guests to have their AT questions answered live by an AT Specialist based out of Halifax.

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