AT Help Desk

makers at work

Moncton High School Buildathon

July 10, 2018

On May 30 2018, Neil Squire Society’s Makers Making Change hosted a LipSync build-a-thon at Moncton High School for the province’s Disability Awareness Week.

An iPhone user pressing the “Home” button

How-to: Use Siri as a Hands-Free Calculator

June 21, 2018

Right now on the iOS app store there are countless talking calculators available for purchase and even some for free. We’ve looked at Talking Calculator in the past, and it does a great job of calculating complex formulas hands-free with full VoiceOver support. For users who are blind, have low-vision, or have learning disabilities that make it difficult to visually process numbers, talking calculators can help level the playing field by giving users the ability to engage in math problems independently.

a person taking a photo with a cell phone

KNFB Reader

June 7, 2018

There’s an app on the market right now that’s changing how blind, low-vision, dyslexic, and other print-disabled users are able to interact with text.

a woman celebrating in front of a laptop

Beeline Reader: Reading Made Easier

May 31, 2018

Most of us have experienced eye strain and discomfort as a result of reading text on a computer screen. Now, imagine how much that discomfort would be magnified for an AT user who struggles with reading comprehension or vision.

Person using a tablet with stylus

The Live Scribe PDF

May 24, 2018

Digital pens are advanced compact pieces of assistive technology that perform a wide variety of functions from scanning, to converting written text into digital, to acting like a mouse. In today’s e-bulletin, we’re going to look at a recent development in Smart Pen technology: the Live Scribe PDF.

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