AT Help Desk

Child using a tablet

Symbol Support

November 7, 2019

In the past, students were often treated with a “one size fits all” mentality, and in many cases, individuals with wildly different learning styles were forced to complete their work within a narrow educational framework.

A woman using a tablet in a librray

WordQ: An Overview

October 17, 2019

WordQ provides contextual word prediction, feedback, and proofreading.

Woman sitting outside with earphones plugged in Accessibility in Audio

October 10, 2019

Audible not only offers an impressive library of audio-based books, radio shows, magazines, and theater performances, this service features top-tier actors and narrators.

A woman walking on the street using a white cane

Aira: an App/Service for the Visually Impaired

September 26, 2019

Aira is an app/service that connects individuals who are blind or have low vision with remote agents who are equipped with a visual-based dashboard of relevant information related to the user and the user’s surroundings.

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