
Emmett and other kids at D-Camp making devices at a table

Fun With Making at D-Camps

September 8, 2022

For eight-year-old Emmett, one of his favourite parts of attending his first camp at Camp Jean Nelson in Water Valley, Alberta in May was a Makers Making Change device build, where he got hands-on experience making Light Touch Switches and Raindrop Switches that will go to people with disabilities.

Makers Making Change regional coordinator Shanelle demonstrating the Adaptive Gaming set-up to a video game player at the Edmonton Maker Faire

Adaptive Gaming at the Edmonton Maker Faire

August 10, 2022

The Edmonton Maker Faire during K-Days from July 22nd to 24th was a great opportunity to meet many new people and spread the word about Makers Making Change. K-Days attendees got the chance to try out our Adaptive Gaming set-up, and learn how easy accessible gaming can be.

Students from Balgonie Elementary showing off their switches

Builds Across Canada

June 16, 2022

Over the past few weeks, Makers Making Change has been quite busy with builds and events across Canada. Here’s a little look at what we’ve been up to for the last while, province-by-province.

Edmonton Chapter leader Janelle Singh

Chapter Highlight: MMC Edmonton

May 19, 2022

“I strongly believe cost should never be a barrier to anyone who needs AT. Our Edmonton MMC chapter hopes to raise awareness of AT needs and enhance the quality of life for people living with disabilities every day.”

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