
The plaque on the bench that says,

Bill Cameron’s Bench at Deep Cove

June 26, 2024

The Cameron Family recently let us know that there is a new accessible ramp and viewing area for the stage in Panorama Park that leads directly to our late founder Bill Cameron and family’s memorial bench in Deep Cove, British Columbia.

An image of Neil using a sip and puff device. Text: Since 1984; Inspiration, Legacy, Impact; Celebrating 40 years of the Neil Squire Society. #40YearsOfImpact

40 Years of Impact

June 19, 2024

Today officially marks our 40th anniversary! We couldn’t be more grateful for all of our participants, volunteers, supporters, partners, and everyone who has helped us on our journey to 40 years of impact.

Occupational Therapist Katrina Tilley holds her award, standing next to Executive Director Gary Birch and National Operations Manager Greg Pyc in the Neil Squire office.

Neil Squire Honours Employees for 40 Years of Service

June 17, 2024

To mark 40 years of impact, Neil Squire honoured three of our employees — Executive Director Gary Birch, Manager of Research and Development Harry Lew, and Occupational Therapist Katrina Tilley — for 40 years of service, having joined our organization at the very beginning. Thank you for your dedication and hard work!

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