Sharon Is Back Up And Running

December 7, 2010

Sharon has rheumatoid arthritis (new window) and was finding it difficult to keep a job because of her health. She was looking for help finding work when she came across a Neil Squire Society advertisement in the newspaper. After discussing the Employ-Ability program with Prairie Regional Manager, Nikki Lamb, Sharon enrolled in the program.

Employ-Ability program participant SharonI have learned a lot. I was shocked at how much I could put into a resume,” says Sharon. “Some of the best things I learned were the resume and cover letters, along with the informational interviews and mock interviews.”

Sharon really enjoyed the personality assessment portion of the program. “I thought that it defined me just about to a ‘T’. It also gave me insight into who I am and what I can possibly do,” says Sharon. “But most of all, I liked Wellness for Work because I have self-confidence issues that I have to build. The goal setting part is very good for me too, because I am a great procrastinator. Wellness for Work has helped me with a lot of issues I have been dealing with for a very long time.”

Sharon also learned about the different Assistive Technology options that were available to help her with her arthritis. “I am going to learn to use Dragon Naturally Speaking (new window). I have lots of trouble typing so I think this will help me.

I have a very positive feeling I will get a job in Data Processing or Bookkeeping,” says Sharon. “The EA program has boosted my confidence. I was at a very low place in my life for a while, but I am back up and running. Thank you for the benefit of the EA Program.”

Good luck, Sharon!

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