Mary Finds Relief With WorkBC Assistive Technology Services

June 8, 2022

Mary is a manager at an interior design and cleaning company in Kelowna that works with real estate companies.

person wearing a glove cleaning a bathroom sinkAn old fracture on her left ankle causes her pain, and makes her favour her right foot, which in turn causes her pain on her right side, affecting her shoulders, neck, and leg.

“Long periods of standing on my feet or heavy lifting bending down can cause discomfort which affects my ability to work,” she explains.

Working with WorkBC, they referred her to WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.

“They helped me by providing me with orthotics and proper shoes to help with proper foot care so I can have less pain when I am working,” she says of WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.

The orthotics and supportive shoes have made a big difference in Mary’s ability to work.

“I have less pain,” she says. “I would 1000% recommend Assistive Technology Services to everyone! They are so helpful and genuine.

“[WorkBC Assistive Technology Services staff] were so supportive and helped every step of the way. They were on top of everything and very professional.”

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services is operated by Neil Squire. Assistive Technology Services are available to individuals who have a work-related barrier due to a disability or a functional limitation. This may include barriers related to traveling to and from the workplace.

Questions about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services? Need help applying? Contact us: 1-844-453-5506 or

Please visit (new window) for more information about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.

 Government of Canada and BC logos, This program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia