Makers Making Change Update: We’re Hiring in Calgary!

August 30, 2018

We are hiring in Calgary! We are looking for a Regional Coordinator who will work to integrate Makers Making Change within the community.

You’ll love this role if you are a maker who is actively involved in maker culture – someone who is passionate about creating in all aspects of life. You’ll interact and work with diverse groups of people, including people with disabilities, organizations, and disability professionals.

Makers working on LipSync parts

Makers at a prior LipSync Buildathon, soldering away

As a Regional Coordinator, you’ll help integrate our work into makerspaces and hackspaces, whether at libraries, universities, for-profit or community-run spaces, or schools. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to develop curriculum for middle and high school students, utilizing “design thinking” methodologies.

Read more about the opening. We look forward to connecting with you!