LipSync Update: Summary of the Access Makeathon

February 2, 2017

A team of  makers hard at work, with some of our LipSync team helping outWhat a great weekend! At the Access Makeathon, we saw some brilliant innovation. We saw people working together — it really epitomized the bigger picture that we’re working towards with the LipSync. We saw engaged members of the community — makers, university students, people from many walks of life — come together and work towards bettering peoples’ lives. It was truly magical. And a lot of fun too.

But it’s a bit tough to explain in just words.

So we created a crowd-sourced collage of various postings on social media (new window) from the #MakeAccess hashtag over the weekend. We’ll share the videos as they come too.

For more pictures of the event or to add yours to the collection, go the Access Makeathon Facebook group (new window) or tag them on twitter or instagram with #MakeAccess.