LipSync Update: Fix a LipSync tonight at Vancouver Hack Space

October 5, 2017

You may remember our friends at Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) (opens in new window) – the community garage for a community without garages. They played an instrumental role in our Access Makeathon (opens in new window) last January, and continue to be big supporters of our work.

Members of Vancouver Hack Space and Makers Making Change

Above: Members of Vancouver Hack Space and Makers Making Change

From 1 PM this afternoon until late tonight, Chad will be at VHS with a number of half-built LipSyncs. Not every build gets finished at our buildathon events, and over time we have amassed nearly 20 that just need a bit of TLC to become working units. Chad will be joined today by some UBC students during the day and VHS members at night to help get these units finished and into people’s lives.

If you are free today or tonight and can solder, feel free come by Vancouver Hack Space and help. Vancouver Hack Space is at #104-1715 Cook Street Vancouver, British Columbia V5Y 3J6 (opens in new window).