LipSync Update: Connecting with the Community

July 14, 2016

Over the last few months, it’s been Director of Development, Chad Leaman’s goal to connect to the communities and people that can make the LipSync a reality, and one that’s not only accessible in use, but also accessible in cost and availability.

Chad Leaman - LipSync

Chad Leaman at the BCcampus Festival of Learning (new window), posing with a LipSync and some of our 3D printed parts.

Chad - Vancouver Maker Faire

Chad Leaman at the Vancouver Mini Maker Faire (new window), where he got to see some of the amazing work that local makers are up to.


Chad Leaman has been engaging with the local maker communities, universities, and technical institutes. Our goal is to connect people with disabilities to skilled people in the community who are capable of making these LipSync devices.

While our team of engineers are busy building the technology, it’s Chad’s job to help build the community that supports it.