(new window) Judy, of the Penticton Indian Band , recently graduated from the very successful Community Navigators Peer Program in the Okanagan. The program recruits and trains Aboriginal peers and elders with disabilities to provide peer support services to other Aboriginals with disabilities who live on reserves. Community Navigators direct peers to available programming and services in their communities, help them to achieve quality of life goals, and increase self-confidence and independence.
Judy, also a past participant of the Neil Squire Society Employ-Ability program, was part of the first group of graduates from the Community Navigators program. She has recently retired from her maintenance and cleaning job at the Band office, and she sees the Community Navigator program as a timely way for her to learn additional skills she can use to coach and mentor youth, and assist others that need direction.
Success has come quickly to Judy, who is now a volunteer youth mentor with Pulling Together (new window) , a canoe rowing program that has become recognized across the province. Pulling Together (new window) has rowed from Vancouver to Victoria. Pulling Together (new window) has also been invited to row across the Great Lakes in Ontario, as well as from England to Scotland.
Judy feels the Community Navigators program has helped her put her ideas and feelings into words so she can share them with others in her journey.
Way to go, Judy!
If you would like to make a donation to support others like Judy, you may do so here.