Dianne Finds Full-Time Work With Creative Employment Options

April 29, 2024

Dianne was working one day a week as a security guard in Regina, and had joined our Creative Employment Options program looking to work full-time in security or retail.

Creative Employment Options participant DianneAt a young age, she had been diagnosed with Dyslexia, which has made reading and writing difficult for her, often missing words and confusing the numbers 3 and 8.

Working with her Job Developer, Dianne was able to update her resume and learned how to tailor it to specific jobs. Having previously written and self-published a novel, she was familiar with goal setting and how to achieve her goals.

To prepare for upcoming interviews, Dianne worked on making a positive first impression and practiced common interview questions.

Dianne overcame her trepidation of online applications and learned to complete digital questionnaires with accuracy. She was also part of discussions surrounding disclosing disabilities to employers and the benefits that can arise from doing so.

Through personal dedication and perseverance, Dianne was able to apply for multiple positions through online applications.

Dianne eventually secured an interview with a security company in Regina, and with the help of her newfound interview skills, she was offered a full-time position with the organization.

She completed all the required online training and started her new security position as a full-time security guard at a canola crushing plant. Dianne is enjoying her new position and is looking forward to a successful career with her company.

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