He calls himself the ‘Covered Bridge Man of Albert County.’ What else would you call a man who has designed and built covered bridges for over ten years?! The ‘Covered Bridge Man of Albert County,’ also known as Robert, has been a Distance Computer Comfort participant for over two years.
Robert was involved in a hit-and-run (new window) accident that left him with a head injury. Even though he lives his life in constant pain, he wasn’t going to let that stop him from enjoying life. Robert, from Moncton (new window), New Brunswick (new window), participated in the Employ-Ability Program in 2008. There he learned about the Distance Computer Comfort Program, and joined in 2011.
Robert has dedicated his life to building and protecting the legacy of covered bridges (new window). We all wish we could fulfill our time with our dreams and passions but those don’t always pay the bills, so Robert had another goal – to find employment that would supplement his income. Robert knew that for him to be able to reach that goal he would need to learn how to use a computer. “The course that I took through the Neil Squire Society helped me out a lot. I can do a lot more on the computer then I could before,” says Robert.
Even though the Neil Squire Society (new window) isn’t involved with covered bridges, Robert still loved the program. “I enjoyed every minute of it. All the other classmates in the Employ-Ability Program were terrific. It was the first class I was in where I would feel comfortable and not be harassed” says Robert.