WorkBC Assistive Technology Services Helps Jean-Luc Do His Job Safely
“[The] hearing aids greatly improve my ability to communicate with co-workers, as well as being a necessity for safety in the fast-moving environment I work in,” Jean-Luc says.
We use technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities.
Skip to Navigation“[The] hearing aids greatly improve my ability to communicate with co-workers, as well as being a necessity for safety in the fast-moving environment I work in,” Jean-Luc says.
“It has been probably 10 years since I really had to use the computer for work or anything like that,” William says.
Gloria is studying web development and design, learning everything from coding to Photoshop as she looks to pursue a career in the field.
Brad’s dedication and growth led to an incredible opportunity: he was hired by Neil Squire to work in the Empower3D program as an Employment Specialist. Joining our Prairie Region team, Brad has expressed deep gratitude for Neil Squire’s role in his journey. His new role allows him to use his experiences to empower others, serving as an inspiring example of overcoming adversity and achieving meaningful employment.
“My hearing loss made it difficult to interact with clients professionally,” Neel shares. “It was difficult to understand what they were saying to me.”