Success Stories

Making the Web a More Accessible Place

August 31, 2009

Neil Squire Society employee Ryan Thomas contacted the Products and Services Department of the HRSDC site, asking for the right to rebuild their site in a Neil Squire Society web space so that our visually impaired clients could make use of it. His intention was to build an accessibility bridge that exceeded basic W3C standards. What came of the process was something that no one expected.

Judy Navigates Her Way to Success

July 16, 2009

Judy, of the Penticton Indian Band, recently graduated from the very successful Community Navigators Peer Program in the Okanagan.

Gale Overcomes a Lifelong Impairment

July 16, 2009

The Neil Squire Society’s Employ-Ability program recently helped Gale in Saskatchewan overcome a lifelong impairment and venture out into the workforce with renewed confidence.

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