Brendon Gains More Hours at His Job with Working Together

April 25, 2018

Brendon is a Special Olympics athlete in speed skating (opens in a new window) and bocce ball (opens in a new window), having won gold and silver medals and travelled across Canada. He works part-time at Staples and runs a paper route. In his spare time, he enjoys walking his dog, playing video games, and hosting a YouTube channel where he shares videos with other gamers.

In 1998, Brendon was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (opens in a new window), which causes him to have difficulty with socializing. You would never know it, though, as he always greets you with a smile and questions about what’s new in life.

Brendon, Working Together participantBrendon came to the Neil Squire Society after completing his diploma in Desktop Support IT at the New Brunswick Community College (opens in a new window) in Moncton. He wanted help to find a job in his field, so he signed up for the Working Together program.

While in high school, Brendon had started a co-op placement with Staples (opens in a new window). When the placement ended in 2013, he was hired on to work once a week. When he came to the Neil Squire Society, he was still working one shift per week. Although he loved his job, he was not getting as many hours as he would like and he truly wanted to put his computer knowledge to work.

As Brendon started working with his Career Facilitator and his Job Developer, he gained more insight into effective job search techniques. The job search continued, but Brendon started channeling his new knowledge to get more hours at work.

After a discussion with his boss in October 2017, he began working two shifts per week. He must have been doing well, as another conversation with his boss the next month led to additional hours. After the holiday rush, he continued to receive increased hours at work, so he decided he no longer needs to search for additional employment.

Brendon stated that the Working Together program enabled him to maintain a part-time job in retail, helping him achieve his goal. He has learned a lot, such as how to prepare a resume and search for a job. “The staff is awesome and really helpful!” he says.

Brendon is very happy working with Staples and likes helping out customers, directing them to the products they are looking for. He is developing a positive relationship with his boss as well as the customers. He recently received some “awesome compliments” from a customer who told him he is very helpful to the customers and the store. With this continued dedication, Brendon will surely be working in their computer department in no time.

(new window)visit the Government of Canada's website

The Working Together with Employers and Enhancing Employability
program is funded by the Government of Canada’s
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities