Brenda Learns Computer Skills Before Heading off to University

August 2, 2017

“I lack computer skills,” explains Brenda. “It’s a barrier for me when I look at the job lists because most of the jobs require computer skills.”

After seeing an advertisement in The Job Market Services for the Neil Squire Society, she decided to enroll in the Society’s Computer Comfort program at their Regina, Saskatchewan location.

While she was looking for a summer job, her more pressing concern was that she was headed back to school. In the fall, she’ll be attending the University of Regina (new window) — where her eldest grandson will also begin his studies — where she plans to study Psychology to become a counsellor, something she’s “always wanted to be.”

Having been a victim of abuse and a residential school (new window) survivor, her education was delayed. She lives with PTSD (new window) and ADD (new window). Brenda had begun drinking at a young age and dropped out of school in Grade Nine.

“As soon as I knew what alcohol could do for me — blank out — that’s the path I took in life,” she shares.

As an adult, she began working on her education, finishing Grade 10 in 2000, and completing her high school studies on June 29, 2016.

In Computer Comfort, she learned the necessary tools for both her job search and university studies.

“I learned how to send an email by myself — something I could never do,” Brenda says. “I also came to the realization of what the Tab key is for. Even when the old typewriters were in existence, I didn’t know what its function was.”

She also learned how to write a resume and cover letter, which she used at the 8th Annual Job Fair for People with Disabilities. Brenda found a job with Regina Treaty/ Status Indian Services Inc (new window).

Now, she looks forward to putting her newfound computer skills to good use when she begins courses in September.