
Mirjana at her desk with Roch Fortin and her assistive setup

Mirjana Shines at Maple Roch and in Her Community

April 4, 2018

Mirjana, who has albinism, was hired to work full-time at Maple Roch after her wage subsidy came to an end. Now she is an integral part of the organization. In addition, her volunteer work in her community recently bagged her some awards.

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New Improvements in ClaroRead for PC

March 29, 2018

ClaroRead is an advanced text-to-speech/writing/OCR program for PC that helps users read, write, and study with confidence. Let’s take a look at the improvements in the newest version of ClaroRead.

Acadia University's custom LipSync shells

First Annual Acadia Buildathon

March 22, 2018

We sit down with Courtney Cameron, a Halifax-based Assistive Technology Specialist with the Neil Squire Society, and get the inside scoop on Acadia University’s first annual buildathon featuring the LipSync device.

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