
Walter at home

“There’s No Frustration Anymore,” says Walter About His Smartphone

June 1, 2020

“I’m a quadriplegic,” says Walter. “I use a mouth stick and voice recognition software on my computer, which works great. When it came to my phone – Siri’s great, but it’s a love/hate relationship.” Looking for a way to be more productive with his iPhone, Walter joined TELUS’ Tech for Good™(new window) program in collaboration with […]

stock image of woman wearing silver earrings

Darlene Finds A Solution to Her Hearing Loss

May 28, 2020

Darlene is a senior who works as an associate at a dollar store in Sidney; her duties include working the till and the stocking shelves. She has from hearing loss in both ears. “It is difficult for me to hear and understand responses from customers and to fully understand direction from supervisors,” she shares.

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