Just three months short of receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Communication (new window) , Amy had an accident while snowboarding that left her with a brain injury (new window). Today she walks with a walker or uses a wheelchair and has a deep brain stimulator implant to help her stand upright.
Amy speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and some Korean. She has a wonderful élan about her and she is a very optimistic person, however, she has severe issues with short term memory and must take exact notes in order to keep track of what she has done and what needs to be accomplished.
Amy enrolled in the Employ-Ability program, and with the help of staff, focused on finding a job that would match her compassion and her willingness to help others. She recently secured a position at the Richmond Centre for Disability (new window). Amy is now working two days a week as an English as a Second Language (ESL) coach, tutoring and supporting clients. Amy has a second opportunity for a part time job in January 2010 and she is excited about moving toward more hours and expanding her work experience.
If you would like to make a donation to support others like Amy, you may do so here.