Access Makeathon

January 9, 2017

Inventors, Creators, Hackers, and Change Makers – Join us for an exciting 48 hr Access Makeathon in Vancouver from January 27 – 29, 2017. Come build an open source assistive technology that directly address the needs of people with disabilities.

Makeathon photo

Over 48 hours, a person with a disability will connect with a team of makers who will build open source assistive technology that will directly address a need the person has. It is an opportunity for makers to apply their knowledge and skills to address a real world need of a person. The goal is each team will help a person leave the event with a working prototype that improves their quality of life.

Read about the Access Makeathon participants here.

During the event, teams of makers will work with a person with a disability that will come with a predefined goal, and perhaps have an idea on how a solution may work. The person with a disability is an expert in their needs, and is the centre of the team to ensure the created solution meets their needs. Teams will be formed by the organizers before the event and have an opportunity to meet with the person they are assisting to start the creative process.

Makers will be the ones turning an idea into a reality.

we are looking for people interested in design, electronics and engineering to come and make solutions for people with disabilities.

The Access Makeathon will have:

  • opportunities to network with other attendees and industry sponsors
  • attend workshops to build your skills
  • speakers focused on innovation and accessibility
  • tools to create and fabricate solutions
  • mentors to support your project development
  • free food!
  • the opportunity to create positive change in someone’s life

Workshops will include:

  • Introduction to 3D Printing
  • Introduction to soldering
  • Introduction to Programming on microcomputers

There will be prizes for winning teams, as well as have the opportunity to present their work at the #BCTECH summit (new window) at the Vancouver Convention Centre on March 14 and 15th.

Event details:
Starts: January 27th 6:00 pm
Ends: January 29th
Location: The Hangar, Centre for Digital Media, 685 Great Northern Way (new window) – just west of VCC-Clark Millennium Line station

Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

This event is organized in partnership with Rick Hansen Foundation (new window)SFU’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology (new window)TechSoup NetSquared (new window)Tom GlobalUBC Women in Engineering (new window), and UBC Young Women in Engineering and Science (new window).

Thank you to our sponsors:

Logo for Centre for Digital Media (new window) logo (new window)

  Vancouver Foundation Logo (new window)