Project Overview
This project resulted in the development of a mouth-controlled input device for people who could not manipulate a standard computer mouse.
The Jouse was developed as an alternative to a standard computer mouse for people with limited or no functional hand control. The Jouse provides complete mouse emulation, including button control via a sip and puff pneumatic sensor. A novel “bite-switch” built into the Jouse mouthpiece allows the user to direct sip and puff actions to control either mouse buttons or enter text into a computer application using Morse code. In Morse mode, the sip and puffs correspond to dots and dashes that are converted to text using a software program such as EZMorse. Compusult, a well-known assistive device supplier, licensed the technology and currently manufactures and distributes the Jouse II in North America.
Primary Contact
Dan Leland
Financial Support
Information Science and Technology Agency, Science Council of British Columbia.