WorkBC Assistive Technology Services “Has Helped Me Stay Employed”

June 24, 2020

A public sector employee based in Prince George, David spends many hours each day poring over data. His work also involves discussing that data, communicating face-to-face, over the phone, and over Skype.

Having a “profound hearing impairment since birth,” that can be quite difficult for David.

“Without hearing aids, I would not be able to hear a word,” he shares. “Without hearing aids, I would not be able to perform any tasks expected of me by my employer.”

stock image of man working on a laptop at a deskTo make matters more difficult, due to a congenital disorder, he explains, “I can only be fitted with bone anchored hearing aids, the most expensive platform of hearing aids.”

Through a counselor at the Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility (new window), he learned about the WorkBC Assistive Technology Services (ATS) program.

He found the help he needed.

“Fortunately, the ATS program helped me access this very financially prohibitive assistive technology by contributing substantially to the purchase,” David says.

“The accommodations provided by the ATS program have made a world of difference in my ability to work to earn a living. The difference is immeasurably huge.”

Having seen the difference it has made in his own life, he recommends the Assistive Technology Services program to others in need.

“Without a doubt, the ATS program is a lifesaver to anyone struggling with a disability,” David explains. “The ATS program has helped me stay employed. It has lifted my spirit and empowered me to feel I am one of millions of contributing members in society.”

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services is operated by Neil Squire. Assistive Technology Services are available to individuals who have a work-related barrier due to a disability or a functional limitation. This may include barriers related to traveling to and from the workplace.

Questions about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services? Need help applying? Contact us: 1-844-453-5506 or

Please visit (new window) for more information about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.

 Government of Canada and BC logos, This program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia