“My New Hearing Devices Allow Me to Look Forward to Going to Work”

January 22, 2020

Thomas has dealt with hearing loss for over 20 years. As a geoscientist for much of that time, his hearing loss didn’t significantly affect his work.

“I often worked in remote locations and interacted with just a handful of people,” he says.

After losing that position due to a layoff, however, he found new jobs in first aid and security, and found it much harder to get by.

“Both of the positions require accurate and detailed record keeping, being able to communicate with contractors, employees and customers,” Thomas shares.

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services participant, Thomas“This type of work required much better hearing than I had, which forced me to acquire hearing aids. At [my work] I am required to monitor audio alarms such as fire and unauthorized intrusion. My hearing impairment is such that without hearing devices I would be putting customers and co-workers at risk every day.”

After he lost one of his nine-year-old hearing aids, he reached out to the Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility (new window). They referred him to WorkBC Assistive Technology Services for assistance.

“[They] provided me with one pair of hearing devices. These hearing aids allowed me to continue working in an environment where good hearing allows me to keep people I work and serve safe and secure,” Thomas explains.

“The hearing devices allow me to hear everything I am supposed to hear. I no longer request people to repeat what they told me, I hear all of the alarms I am supposed to hear. I do my job with greater confidence knowing I will not mess up because I didn’t hear something important.”

The new hearing aids gave him a fresh perspective on work.

“Being able to hear is a true gift. One only appreciates it when they lose this ability. My new hearing devices allow me to look forward to going to work. As long as my health holds I anticipate working at one or more of my jobs for many years to come, serving and protecting people,” he says.

“I highly recommend WorkBC Assistive Technology Services to anyone who has an impairment that could restrict their ability to acquire or maintain employment.”

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services is operated by Neil Squire. Assistive Technology Services are available to individuals who have a work-related barrier due to a disability or a functional limitation. This may include barriers related to traveling to and from the workplace.

Questions about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services? Need help applying? Contact us: 1-844-453-5506 or info-ats@workbc.ca

Please visit www.workbc-ats.ca (new window) for more information about WorkBC Assistive Technology Services.

 Government of Canada and BC logos, This program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia