Makers Making Change Update: Survey Results

February 7, 2019

We want to share the results of two recent surveys: the Low Tech AT Survey and the UBC LipSync Survey.

Low Tech AT Survey

The majority of total respondents reported working in healthcare, including OTs and AT Specialists. Over a third were based in the US.

Target demographics were those with compromised mobility, those lacking agility and dexterity, and those with cognitive limitations. Participants were most interested in devices relating to education (e.g. computer access), eating, employment, and grooming (e.g. reach aids).

On the whole, participants left positive reviews of Makers Making Change. They supported our mission and loved that we offered open-source solutions for people with disabilities. We received some suggestions for improvement, including increasing marketing and partnering with other disability organizations.

Lipsync Survey-01

UBC LipSync Survey

This survey is ongoing. It should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. You can find it here: UBC LipSync Survey (new window).

Although most respondents had little to say about our new site, they were able to complete simple tasks, such as accessing the Projects Library, with ease.

Many respondents so far have been using the LipSync for demo purposes or are disability professionals. Positive reviews stated that the LipSync is an inspirational device, and that they were happy it exists as an option for people with disabilities.

Areas for improvement were mounting (the chief concern) and the rigidity of some of the LipSync components. One participant recounted that the joystick was difficult to press and that for someone with limited dexterity, the device could be cumbersome at times.

Thank you for filling out and sharing our surveys! This information is immensely useful for us as we move forward with Makers Making Change.

PS: We are hosting a Toy Hack at Vancouver Hack Space (new window) on February 13th. (Drop-ins are welcome!) Adapted toys are incredibly powerful for children with physical challenges, but they are often very expensive and out of reach. Help us prepare for our upcoming BC Tech Summit build event for students.