LipSync Update: A Successful Buildathon with Bell

October 19, 2017

We are so happy with the results of the Bell LipSync Buildathon (new window) last Thursday in Toronto. Bell generously covered the cost of all the parts and STEAMLabs (new window) provided us their huge space. The result? We exceeded our goal of 30 LipSyncs – we ended up building 40 thanks to everyone’s enthusiasm and help!

Bell employees and Makers with the completed LipSyncs
Above: Bell employees and Makers with the completed LipSyncs. Lynn (in pink, bottom left) was part of our contingent in Expo 86, and we were glad to see her again!

The event also brought back some memories. Lynn (pictured above), who was part of our contingent at Expo 86, attended the Buildathon and spoke about the history of the Neil Squire Society. She recalled how Bill Cameron called in some strong men to haul the visiting contingent’s wheelchairs up Grouse Mountain, so that they could see the whole of Vancouver.

Here are some more photos from the Buildathon:

A team working on LipSync parts
Above: Time to solder!

Below: A well-deserved snack break.
A team sitting at a table with their snacks

A team working on LipSync parts
Above: A team hard at work.

Eric, a Bell employee, contacted us before the event to see if we could send a LipSync for his wife, Rita, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. One of the LipSyncs we built during the event will actually be sent off to them this week. It’s great when we can help people who need support directly in their community.

For more pictures, go to our Facebook album (new window).